4 Predictive processing and enactive cognitive science

4.1 Enactive theories, weak and strong

The idea that the brain relies on internal representations or models of extra-cranial states of affairs has been treated with suspicion ever since the limitations of “good old fashioned artificial intelligence” became apparent (Brooks 1991). Many researchers of artificial intelligence have indeed returned to cybernetics as an alternative framework in which closely coupled feedback loops, leveraging invariants in brain-body-world interactions, obviate the need for detailed internal representations of external properties (Pfeifer & Scheier 1999). The evolutionary robotics methodology just described is often coupled with simple dynamical neural networks in order to realize controllers that are tightly embodied and embedded in just this way (Beer 2003). Within cognitive science, such anti-representationalism is most vociferously defended by the movement variously known as “enactive” (Noë 2004), “embodied” (Gallese & Sinigaglia 2011), or “extended” (Clark & Chalmers 1998) cognitive science. Among these approaches, it is enactivism that is most explicitly anti-representationalist. While enactive theorists might agree that adaptive behaviour requires organisms and control structures that are systematically sensitive to statistical structures in their environment, most will deny that this sensitivity implies the existence and deployment of any “inner description” or model of these probabilistic patterns (Chemero 2009; Hutto & Myin 2013).

This tradition has weak and strong expressions. At the weak extreme is the truism that perception, cognition, and behaviour—and their underlying mechanisms—cannot be understood without a rich appreciation of the roles of the body, the environment, and the structured interactions that they support (Clark 1997; Varela et al. 1993). Weak enactivism is eminently compatible with PP, as seen especially with emerging versions of PP that stress embodiment through self-modelling and interoception, and which emphasize the importance of agent-environment coupling (embeddedness) through active inference. At the other extreme lie claims that explanations based on internal representations or models of any sort are fundamentally misguided, and that a new explicitly non-representational vocabulary is needed in order to make sense of the relations between brains, bodies, and the world (O'Regan et al. 2005). Strong enactivism is by definition incompatible with PP since it rejects the core concept of the internal model.

4.2 Sensorimotor contingency theory

A landmark in the strongly enactive approach is SMC (sensorimotor contingency) theory, which says that perception depends on the “practical mastery” of sensorimotor dependencies relevant to behaviour (O'Regan & Noë 2001). In brief, SMC theory claims that experience and perception are not things that are “generated” by the brain (or by anything else for that matter) but are, rather, “skills” consisting of fluid patterns of on-going interaction with the environment (O'Regan & Noë 2001). For instance, on SMC theory the conscious visual experience of redness is given by the exercise of practical mastery of the laws governing how interactions with red things unfold (these laws being the “SMC”s). The theory is not, however, limited to vision: the experiential quality of the softness of a sponge would be given by (practical mastery of) the laws governing its squishiness upon being pressed.

Two aspects of SMC theory deserve emphasis here. The first is that the concept of an SMC rightly underlines the close coupling of perception and action and the critical importance of ongoing agent-environment interaction in structuring perception, action, and behaviour. This is inherited from Gibsonian notions of perceptual affordance (Gibson 1979) and has certainly advanced our understanding of why different kinds of perceptual experience (vision, smell, touch, etc.) have different qualitative characters.

The second is that mastery of an SMC requires an essentially counterfactual knowledge of relations between particular actions and the resulting sensations. In vision, for instance, mastery entails an implicit knowledge of the ways in which moving our eyes and bodies would reveal additional sensory information about perceptual objects (O'Regan & Noë 2001). Here SMC theory has made an important contribution to our understanding of perceptual presence. Perceptual presence refers to the property whereby (in normal circumstances) perceptual contents appear as subjectively real, that is, as existing. For example, when viewing a tomato, we see it as real inasmuch as we seem to be perceptually aware of some of its parts (e.g., its back) that are not currently causally impacting our sensory surfaces. Looking at a picture of a tomato does not give rise to the same subjective impression of realness. But how can we be aware of parts of the tomato that, strictly speaking, we do not see? SMC theory says the answer lies in our (implicit) mastery of SMCs, which relate potential actions to their likely sensory effects; and it is in this sense that we can be perceptually aware of parts of the tomato that we cannot actually see (Noë 2006).

SMC theory has often been set against naïve representationalist theories in cognitive science that propose such things as “pictures in the head” or that (like good-old-fashioned-AI) treat accurate representations of external properties as general-purpose goal states for cognition. This is all to the good. Yet by dispensing with implementation-level concepts such as predictive inference, it struggles with the important question of what exactly is going on in our heads during the exercise of mastery of a sensorimotor contingency. [9]

4.3 Predictive perception of sensorimotor contingencies

A powerful response is given by integrating SMC theory with PP, in the guise of PPSMC (Predictive Perception of SensoriMotor Contingencies; Seth 2014b). An extensive development of PPSMC is given elsewhere (see Seth 2014b plus commentaries and response). Here I summarize the main points. First, recall that under PP prediction errors can be minimized either by updating perceptual predictions or by performing actions, where actions are generated through the resolution of proprioceptive prediction errors. Also recall that PP is inherently hierarchical, so that at some hierarchical level predictive models will encode multimodal and even amodal expectations linking exteroceptive (sensory) and proprioceptive (motor) sensations. These models generate predictions about linked sequences of sensory and proprioceptive (and possibly interoceptive) inputs corresponding to specific actions, with predictions becoming increasingly modality-specific at lower hierarchical levels. These multi-level predictive models can therefore be understood as instantiating the implicit sub-personal knowledge of sensorimotor constructs underlying SMCs and their acquisition. Put simply, hierarchical active inference implies the existence of predictive models encoding information very much like that required by SMC theory.

The next step is to incorporate the notion of mastery of SMCs, which, as mentioned, implies an essentially counterfactual kind of implicit knowledge. The simple solution is to augment the predictive models that animate PP with counterfactual probability densities.[10] As introduced earlier (section 4.1), counterfactually-equipped predictive models encode not only the likely causes of current sensory input, but also the likely causes of fictive sensory inputs conditioned on possible but not executed actions. That is, they encode how sensory inputs (and their expected precisions) would change on the basis of a repertoire of possible actions (expressed as proprioceptive predictions), even if those actions are not performed. The counterfactual encoding of expected precision is important here, since it is on this basis that actions can be selected for their likelihood of minimizing the conditional uncertainty associated with a perceptual prediction. There is a mathematical basis for manipulating counterfactual beliefs of this kind, as shown in a recent model where counterfactual PP drives oculomotor control during visual search (Friston 2014; Friston et al. 2012).[11] Here the main point is that counterfactually-rich predictive models supply just what is needed by SMC theory: an answer to the question of what is going on inside our heads during the exercise of mastery of SMCs.

Counterfactual PP makes sense from several perspectives (Seth 2014b). As mentioned above, it provides a neurocognitive operationalisation of the notion of mastery of SMCs that is central to enactive cognitive science. In doing so it dissolves apparent tensions between enactive cognitive science and approaches grounded in the Bayesian brain, but only at the price of rejecting the strong enactivist’s insistence that internal models or representations—of any sort—are unacceptable.[12] PPSMC also provides a solution to the challenge of accounting for perceptual presence within PP. The idea here is that perceptual presence corresponds to the counterfactual richness of predictive models. That is, perceptual contents enjoy presence to the extent that the corresponding predictive models encode a rich repertoire of counterfactual relations linking potential actions to their likely sensory consequences.[13] In other words, we experience normal perception as world-revealing precisely because the predictive models underlying perceptual content specify a rich repertoire of counterfactually explicit probability densities encoding the mastery of SMCs.

A good test of PPSMC is whether it can account for cases where normal perceptual presence is lacking. An important example is synaesthesia, where it is widely reported that synaesthetic “concurrents” (e.g., the inexistent colours sometimes perceived along with achromatic grapheme inducers) are not experienced as being part of the world (i.e., synaesthetes generally retain intact reality testing with respect to their concurrent experiences). PPSMC explains this by noticing that predictive models related to synaesthetic concurrents are counterfactually poor. The hidden (environmental) causes giving rise to concurrent-related sensory signals do not embed a rich and deep statistical structure for the brain to learn. In particular, there is very little sense in which synaesthetic concurrents depend on active sampling of their hidden causes. According to PPSMC, it is this comparative counterfactual poverty that explains why synaesthetic concurrents lack perceptual presence. SMC theory itself struggles to account for this phenomenon—not least because it struggles to account for synaesthesia in the first place (Gray 2003).

There are some challenges to thinking that perceptual presence uniquely depends on counterfactual richness. One might think that the more familiar one is with an object, the richer the repertoire of counterfactual relations that will be encoded. If so, the more familiar one is with an object, the more it should appear to be real. But prima facie it is not clear that familiarity and perceptual presence go hand-in-hand like this.[14] Also, some perceptual experiences (like the experience of a blue sky) can seem highly perceptually present despite engaging an apparently poor repertoire of counterfactual relations linking sensory signals to possible actions. An initial response is to consider that presence might depend not on counterfactual richness per se, but on a “normalized” richness based on higher-order expectations of counterfactual richness (which would be low for the blue sky, for instance). These considerations also point to potentially important distinctions between perceived objecthood and perceived presence, a proper treatment of which moves beyond the scope of the present paper.