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Title of Edited Collection
Publication Date
January 2015
Publication Place
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Many forms of visual adaptation have been studied, including spatial displacements ( Heuer & Hegele 2008 ), spatial inversions and rotations ( Heuer & Rapp 2011 ), removing or enhancing various colors in the visual spectrum ( Belmore & Shevell 2011 ; Kohler 1963 ), and even luminance inversion ( Anstis 1992 ). But there have been no studies that have assessed adaptation to an inverted spectrum , or more generally color rotation . We present the results of an adaptation protocol on two subjects who wore LCD goggles that were driven by a video camera, but such that the visual scene presented to subjects was color-rotated by 120°, so that blue objects appeared green, green objects appeared red, and red objects appeared blue (with non-primary colors being analogously remapped). One subject wore the apparatus intermittently for several hours per day for a week. The second subject wore the apparatus continually for six days, meaning that all his visual input for those six days was color rotated. Several experiments were run to assess the kinds and degrees of adaptation, including Stroop ( 1935 ), the memory color effect ( Hansen et al. 2006 ), and aesthetic judgments of food and people. Several additional phenomena were assessed and noticed, especially with respect to color constancy and phenomenal adaptation . The results were that color constancy initially was not present when colors were rotated, but both subjects adapted so that color constancy returned. However, there was no evidence of phenomenal color adaptation. Tomatoes continued to look blue, subjects did not adapt so that they started to look red again. We found no reliable Stroop result. But there was an adaptation to the memory color effect. Also, interesting differences were revealed in the way color affects aesthetic judgments of food versus people, and differences in adaptation to those effects.