
Table of Contents
On the Eve of Artificial Minds
Mechanisms and Emergence
Should we be Epigenetically Proactive?
State or Content of Consciousness?
Memory for Prediction Error Minimization: From Depersonalization to the Delusion of Non-Existence
Functional Attributions and Functional Architecture
Introspection and Intuition
Manifest Illusions
Carving the Brain at its Joints
Thought, Language, and Inner Speech
The Semantic Reading of Propositionality and Its Relation to Cognitive-Representational Explanations
Enriching the Notion of Enculturation: Cognitive Integration, Predictive Processing, and the Case of Reading Acquisition
Self-as-Subject and Experiential Ownership
Vestibular Sense and Perspectival Experience
The Puzzle of Perceptual Precision
Grasping Meaning
Why and How Does Consciousness Seem the Way it Seems?
The Neural Organ Explains the Mind
Naturalizing Metaethics
Understanding Epigenetic Proaction
Reflections on Insight
Rules: The Basis of Morality… ?
The Diversity of Bayesian Explanation
Perceptual Presence in the Kuhnian-Popperian Bayesian Brain
Embodied Simulation: A Paradigm for the Constitution of Self and Others
Conscious Intentions
Metamisery and Bodily Inexistence
The Heterogeneity of Experiential Imagination
Embodied Prediction
Meaning, Context, and Background
Introspective Insecurity
Rehabilitating Resemblance Redux
The Ongoing Search for the Neuronal Correlate of Consciousness
Feelings as Evaluative Indicators
Self-identification, Intersubjectivity, and the Background of Intentionality
Beyond Agency
Consciousness as Inference in Time
From Explanatory Ambition to Explanatory Power
Multiplicity Needs Coherence – Towards a Unifying Framework for Social Understanding
The Importance of Being Neutral: More on the Phenomenology and Metaphysics of Imagination
Phenomenology, Methodology, and Advancing the Debate
Millikan’s Teleosemantics and Communicative Agency
Future Games
Concept Pluralism, Direct Perception, and the Fragility of Presence
Stepping Back and Adding Perspective
Can Experiential Ownership Violate the Immunity Principle?
The Multifunctionality of Dreaming and the Oblivious Avatar
What Can Sensorimotor Enactivism Learn from Studies on Phenomenal Adaptation in Atypical Perceptual Conditions?
Perspectival Structure and Vestibular Processing
Inference to the Best Prediction
Representationalisms, Subjective Character, and Self-Acquaintance
Mind Games
The Extension of the Indicator-Function of Feelings
Are there Counterexamples to the Immunity Principle? Some Restrictions and Clarifications
The Fragile Nature of the Social Mind
An Information-Based Approach to Consciousness: Mental State Decoding
Crediting Animals with the Ability to Think: On the Role of Language in Cognition
The Cybernetic Bayesian Brain
The “Bottom-Up” Approach to Mental Life
Conscious Intentions: Do We Need a Creation Myth?
Applied Metascience of Neuroethics
Explaining Subjective Character: Representation, Reflexivity, or Integration?
Individuation, Integration, and the Phenomenological Subject
A Multiplicity View for Social Cognition: Defending a Coherent Framework
Vestibular Contributions to the Sense of Body, Self, and Others
Does Resemblance Really Matter?
Conceptualizing Metaethics
Extending the Explanandum for Predictive Processing
Bridging the Gap
What? Now. Predictive Coding and Enculturation
The Representational Structure of Feelings
All the Self We Need
“I just knew that!”: Intuitions as Scaffolded or Freestanding Judgements
Thickening Descriptions with Views from Pragmatism and Anthropology
Solely Generic Phenomenology
Mental States as Emergent Properties: From Walking to Consciousness
The Avatars in the Machine: Dreaming as a Simulation of Social Reality
How Does Mind Matter? - Solving the Content Causation Problem
Can Synchronization Explain Representational Content?
The Causal Role(s) of Intentions
Beyond Illusions: On the Limitations of Perceiving Relational Properties
What’s up with Prefrontal Cortex?
After Naturalism: Wild Systems Theory and the Turn To Holism
The Paradigmatic Body: Embodied Simulation, Intersubjectivity, the Bodily Self, and Language
How our Belief in Qualia Evolved, and Why We Care so much
Dreamless Sleep, the Embodied Mind, and Consciousness
Phenomenal Precision and Some Possible Pitfalls
Should Metaethical Naturalists Abandon de dicto Internalism and Cognitivism?
Insight: What Is It, Exactly?
Davidson on Believers: Can Non-Linguistic Creatures Have Propositional Attitudes?
The Bottom-Up Approach: Benefits and Limits
What a Theory of Knowledge-How Should Explain - A Framework for Practical Knowledge beyond Intellectualism and Anti-Intellectualism
Communicative Agency and ad hominem Arguments in Social Epistemology
Beyond Componential Constitution in the Brain: Starburst Amacrine Cells and Enabling Constraints
The Crack of Dawn: Perceptual Functions and Neural Mechanisms that Mark the Transition from Unconscious Processing to Conscious Vision
A Skeptical Note on Bibliometrics
Just in Time—Dreamless Sleep Experience as Pure Subjective Temporality